How To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Easily At Home?

Repairing the furrow lines is possible without opting for a visit to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon. The wrinkles on the forehead may seem to be immovable in the beginning, but you can fight them off with time and patience. Here are some simple tips that will surely come in handy when you are looking for natural means to remove those lines.

Skincare experts and dermatologists all over the world believe that customized skin care really is the key to unlocking the secret of healthy and glowing skin. But are you hesitating to adapt to the revolutionary idea of customization?

The quickest way to find out if customized skin care will really give you results different than generic products is to test out a customized cleanser. Most soaps and face washes dry out and make your skin feel stretchy to a noticeably uncomfortable level. But a cleanser customized for your skin should do no such thing while deep-cleaning your face. Therefore, we at SkinKraft are offering you a free sample of a cleanser that’s customized for your exact skin.

The first step towards giving your skin customized care is to know your skin. Taking SkinKraft's SkinID™ Skin Questionnaire helps you understand your exact skin type and its requirements. Click here to take the questionnaire now and get a free Mini Cleanser from SkinKraft.

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1. Coconut Oil
2. Castor Oil
3. Citrus Fruits
4. Massage
5. Flaxseed Oil
6. Aloe Vera Gel With Egg White
7. Jojoba Oil
8. Petroleum Jelly
9. Manuka Honey
10. Almond Oil

1. Coconut Oil For Forehead Wrinkles

You Will Need
Organic coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Massage a few drops of coconut oil on your forehead and face for a few minutes or until the oil is absorbed by the skin.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every night before going to bed.

Skincare experts and dermatologists all over the world believe that customized skin care really is the key to unlocking the secret of healthy and glowing skin. But are you hesitating to adapt to the revolutionary idea of customization?

The quickest way to find out if customized skin care will really give you results different than generic products is to test out a customized cleanser. Most soaps and face washes dry out and make your skin feel stretchy to a noticeably uncomfortable level. But a cleanser customized for your skin should do no such thing while deep-cleaning your face. Therefore, we at SkinKraft are offering you a free sample of a cleanser that’s customized for your exact skin.

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The first step towards giving your skin customized care is to know your skin. Taking SkinKraft's SkinID™ Skin Questionnaire helps you understand your exact skin type and its requirements. Click here to take the questionnaire now and get a free Mini Cleanser from SkinKraft.
Why This Works

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and keeps it healthy. It contains antioxidants that are known for their free radical scavenging activity. These free radicals accumulate in the skin, make it dull and also lead to the formation of wrinkles. Coconut oil eliminates these effectively and fades away the forehead lines in due course of time (1, 2).

2. Castor Oil For Forehead Wrinkles

You Will Need
Castor oil
What You Have To Do
Apply a drop or two of castor oil in a gentle tapping motion on your forehead. Leave it on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This
This remedy is best used overnight. As castor oil is light in texture, you can also apply it during the day.
Why This Works
Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is a great skin-conditioning agent (3). Castor oil also contains antioxidants that will keep the skin on your forehead healthy and free from those frown lines (4).

3. Citrus Fruits For Forehead Wrinkles

You Will Need
• Fresh lemon juice
• Cotton ball
What You Have To Do
1. Dip the cotton in the lemon juice and apply this on your forehead. Dilute the lemon juice with an equal amount of water if you have sensitive skin.
2. Let the juice air dry. Then, rinse with water.
You can grind the skin of citrus fruits, like lemons and oranges, mix it with some rose water and apply as a pack on your face. Also include citrus fruits in your diet for long-term benefits.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply lemon juice once every day.

Why This Works

Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are rich in vitamins C and E that are essential for skin health. They are fine for maintaining the smoothness of the skin. The flavonoids found in citrus fruits strengthen the capillaries and maintain the collagen and elastin in the skin, giving it a youthful appearance (5).

4. Massage For Forehead Wrinkles

A few drops of olive oil

What You Have To Do

Massage the area around the wrinkles gently with warm olive oil in a downward to upward motion for 10 minutes. For even better results, you can add a few drops of coconut oil.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this once or twice every day.

Why This Works
Olive oil, along with coconut oil, is an excellent moisturizer that hydrates your skin effectively (6). The gentle massage will improve circulation to the facial tissues. Massaging also helps relax your facial muscles, which are the underlying cause of wrinkles.

5. Flaxseed Oil For Forehead Wrinkles

You Will Need
Flaxseed oil

What You Have To Do

Consume a tablespoon of this oil two to four times in a day.
How Often You Should Do This
Continue this for a fortnight. You will start seeing a difference in the frown lines on your forehead.

Best antiaging tips

Why This Works

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and an array of antioxidants. When ingested, these lubricate the skin and plump up the outer layers, thus reducing the fine lines and wrinkles (7).

6. Aloe Vera Gel With Egg White

You Will Need
• 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel
• 1 egg white
What You Have To Do
1. Mix the egg white and aloe vera gel and apply this pack on your forehead. You can also apply it to the rest of your face.
2. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this pack two to three times a week.

Why This Works

Both aloe vera and egg white are rich sources of vitamin E, which is known as the youth vitamin. Aloe vera keeps the skin nourished and supple. It contains malic acid that is known to reduce fine lines (8). The albumin present in egg white tightens and tones the skin (9).


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