How to lose weight without dieting?
Dreading going on a restrictive eating plan to lose the weight that somehow showed up over the past few months? (Years?) Don’t do it! Instead, lose the obsession with food and start using these other strategies to let the pounds melt off. Change the focus of your workout “Stop thinking about the pounds exercise is helping you lose,” says exercise physiologist Tom Holland, C.S.C.S., “and think about what you’re gaining by exercising. The benefits of exercise go far beyond a simple number on the scale—and even beyond what you can see in the mirror.” A stronger heart, a healthier cardiovascular system, the ability to race your kids up the steps and just being able to say yes to things—that’s what you’re after. Think of that first, and your motivation to exercise will surge as weight drops off on its own. Related Articles : Sleep more Simply getting the sleep your body wants can help you eat better without even trying. Research has found that peo...